
Job offers at IHSW

Due to the school’s development and increasing number of students, we are seeking candidates for teaching positions for the academic year 2024-2025:

  • DP Chemistry Teacher (full-time)
  • DP Business Management Teacher (full-time)
  • Mathematics Teacher (full-time)

Required are subject qualifications, experience and very good command of English. For candidates for teachers at IB DP – teaching experience in this program or other IB programmes is mostly welcome.

If you are interested in joining our staff in the future please send us your application to: employment@fem.org.pl. Selected candidates will be invited to an interview.


 General expectations for candidates for teaching positions at the International High School of Wroclaw.

A candidate for a teaching position will be expected to:

  • plan, prepare and teach subject-related content in line with the prescribed curriculum, philosophy and expectations of the IB Diploma Programme
  • carry out formative and summative assessments that give students the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge
  • provide timely feedback on completed tasks
  • meet deadlines related to internal and external assessment
  • supervise student extended research
  • collaborate with staff on the development and implementation of the curriculum, policies and philosophy of the school
  • complete an IB-approved subject-related workshop
  • assist and organize school activities and trips
  • communicate regularly and effectively with all members of the school community
  • be a good role model

If you would like to join our team, please send electronic versions of your up-to-date curriculum vitae, with a letter of intent to highschool@fem.org.pl or mail these documents to:

Head of School
International High School of Wroclaw
Foundation of International Education
ul. Racławicka 101, PL 53-149 Wroclaw, Poland


Staff Members in 2016 – 2017

At our high school we have a highly professional and committed staff of fully qualified and experienced English speaking international teachers from countries such as Poland, the United Kingdom, USA, France and Spain. The teachers are supported by a fully qualified bilingual Polish administration staff. Meet our staff members…


Administration and Staff for the 1st Grade (Pre- IB DP)

Position / Subject Name and Surname
Head of School Dorota Nawojczyk
Assistant Head of School Joanna Oskroba
IB Diploma Programme Coordinator Sean Dooley
School Secretary Dominika Mieszkowska
Psychologist Sabina Knichnicka
Counselors Urszula Wiącek
Katarzyna Domżalska
Librarian Ewa Waśkowska
Homeroom Teacher – Grade 1 Magdalena Dąbrowska
Polish Magdalena Dąbrowska
English Charles Crispen (USA)
Dorota Nawojczyk
German Katarzyna Szołdra – Kremienowska
Spanish Armando Orozco Pego (Spain)
Mathematics Leszek Boczek
History Charles Crispen (USA)
Michał Sawicki
Social Studies Michał Sawicki
Geography Damian Werczyński
Physics Dobromiła Szczepaniak
Chemistry Piotr Połomka
Biology Oriana Molęda
 Visual Arts Dariusz Stapiński
Physical Education Mariusz Kram
IT Damian Śmiejczak
Religion Jacek Górecki
Ethics Artur Zborowski
Cultural Studies Dariusz Stapiński
Economics Przemysław Żarnecki
Practical Philosophy Sean Dooley

Staff – 2nd and 3rd Grade (I and II Diploma Programme)

Position / Subject Name and Surname
Homeroom Teacher – Grade 2 (I DP)

Homeroom Techer – Grade 3 (II DP)

Leszek Boczek

Karolina Kropielnicka


Polish A Karolina Kropielnicka
English A Stephen Dewsbury (Wielka Brytania)
English B Jillian Craig (Wielka Brytania)
German B Renata Durska
Spanish B Armando Orozco Pego (Hiszpania)
History Charles Crispen (USA)
Geography Damian Werczyński
Mathematics SL&HL Leszek Boczek
Math Studies Radosław Kamiński
Theory of Knowledge Sean Dooley (USA)
Community and Service Jillian Bieniek (Wielka Brytania)
Biology Oriana Molęda
Chemistry Piotr Połomka
Physics Aleksandra Podolska-Stycharska



Staff Members in 2017 – 2018

At our high school we have a highly professional and committed staff of fully qualified and experienced English speaking international teachers from countries such as Poland, the United Kingdom, USA, France and Spain.

In the school year 2017-2018 our school consists of secondary school grades (grades 2 and 3 of former ATUT Bilingual Secondary School, after the educational reform in Poland incorporated into the high school) and grades 1-3 of International High School of Wroclaw. The secondary grades and the 1st grade of the high school learn in Middle Years Programme of the International Baccalureate and the gardes 2 and 3 of the high school – in IB Diploma Programme. Our teaching faculty teaches in both IB programmes. The directors, administration staff, psychologist, counselor and librarian work also for both parts of the school.

Meet our staff members…

Position / Subject

Name and Surname

Head of School

Oriana Molęda

Assistant Head of School

Joanna Oskroba

IB MYP Coordinator

Karolina Kropielnicka

IB Diploma Programme Coordinator

Sean Dooley (USA)

Bilingualism Coordinator

Dorota McKenzie

Personal Project Coordinator

Ewelina Skwarnik

Community Project Coordinator

Elżbieta Litwin

School Secretary

Dominika Meszyńska


Sabina Knichnicka


Agnieszka Zielińska


Ewelina Skwarnik

Homeroom Teacher 2 A (secondary school)

Katarzyna Knot – Krowińska

Homeroom Teacher 2 B (secondary school)

Dariusz Stapiński

Homeroom Teacher 3 A (secondary school)

Dorota Czyż

Homeroom Teacher 3 B (secondary school)

Artur Zborowski

Homeroom Teacher – Grade 1 (high school)

Piotr Połomka

Homeroom Teacher – Grade 2 (high school)

Magdalena Dąbrowska

Homeroom Teacher – Grade 3 (high school)

Leszek Boczek


Dorota Czyż
  Magdalena Dąbrowska
  Karolina Kropielnicka


Magdalena Bońkowska
Jillian Craig (UK)
Stephen Dewsbury (UK)
Katarzyna Knot – Krowińska
Elżbieta Litwin
Dorota McKenzie
Monika Michałowska
Dorota Nawojczyk

Agnieszka Polańska


Renata Durska
  Adrianna Fieger – Wierzbińska
  Natalia Gawlik
  Katarzyna Szołdra – Kremienowska


Armando Orozco Pego (Spain)
  Natalia Rynkar


Jérôme Gaborit (FR)

Language & Literature Lab

Dorota Czyż
  Magdalena Dąbrowska


Leszek Boczek
  Barbara Głowacka
  Radosław Kamiński
  Michał Rolak

Math Studies

Radosław Kamiński


Charles Crispen (USA)
Michał Sawicki

Social Studies

Michał Sawicki


Damian Werczyński


Barbara Głowacka
  Aleksandra Podolska – Strycharska


Agata Blok
  Piotr Połomka


Agata Blok
  Jakub Grzeszczuk
  Oriana Molęda

Science Lab

Agata Blok
Piotr Połomka

Visual Arts

Dariusz Stapiński


Dariusz Stapiński


Piotr Łukaszczyk

Physical Education

Mariusz Kram
  Joanna Oskroba

Education for Safety

Joanna Oskroba


Konrad Dylewski


Jacek Górecki


Artur Zborowski

Practical Philosophy

Sean Dooley (USA)
  Artur Zborowski

Global Issues

Sean Dooley (USA)

Theory of Knowledge

Sean Dooley (USA)


Katarzyna Kulwicka – Durmowicz

Cultural Studies

Dariusz Stapiński


Armando Orozco Pego (ES)

Basics of Entrepreneurship

Przemysław Żarnecki

Community, Action, Service (CAS)

Jillian Bieniek (UK)
  Dagmara Muszyńska


Nauczyciele w International High School of Wroclaw szczycą się znaczącym doświadczeniem w nauczaniu w programach międzynarodowych i – popartą praktyką – wiedzą ze szkoleń International Baccalaureate w kraju i za granicą. Tak dobrana kadra jest gwarancją wysokiego poziomu nauczania bazującego na najlepszych praktykach.

International Baccalaureate stwarza możliwości nowoczesnego kształcenia nie tylko uczniom, ale i nauczycielom oraz pracownikom administracji szkół. Wdrażając programy IB w szkołach Fundacji Edukacji Międzynarodowej (organ prowadzący) kadra dydaktyczna jest zobowiązana do ustawicznej pracy nad sobą, podnoszenia kwalifikacji, korzystania z internetowych księgarni i bibliotek, oraz uczestniczenia w międzynarodowych konferencjach i warsztatach organizowanych przez International Baccalaureate. Szkolenia te dają możliwość wzbogacania i ugruntowania wiedzy merytorycznej, pozwalają na doskonalenie umiejętności językowych, a także wymianę doświadczeń nauczycieli ze szkół z różnych stron świata, realizujących programy IB.