The continuum of IB programmes in F.I.E. schools
Our high school, just like all schools run by the Foundation of International Education (F.I.E.) is a certified IB World School. The Students of FIE schools are able to continue their education in one educational system from reception class to International Baccalaureate. We present the schools and their IB programmes below:

IB Primary Years Programme

IB Middle Years Programme
at ATUT Bilingual Primary School, ATUT Bilingual Secondary School and at Wroclaw International School

IB Diploma Programme
at International High School of Wroclaw
FIE has implemented IB programmes in its schools since 2007, but many years earlier the components of these programmes constituted a fixed part of both the primary and the secondary school curriculums. As IB World Schools, FIE schools were among only a few schools in Poland and 979 schools in the world with the authorization of the IBO to offer its programmes. To see the list of IB schools in Poland click HERE.
What are the advantages of learning in the IB System? – read HERE.
F.I.E. is a member of international educational organizations: