
International library

The Mission of the schools library is to establish an inviting and dynamic learning environment and to provide services that support and enhance teaching, literacy, and learning in support of the IB Diploma Programme.

The WIS library and media center is an international library that holds over 11,000 volumes, with new titles added regularly. The students learn to use the online library catalog to search for books, as well as how to research using the online databases subscribed to by the school. Students and staff may access these databases of articles and ebooks using their username and password at any time of the day, any day of the week.

The library is open to the school community from 8:00 to 15:20 on Mondays and Fridays, and from 8:45 to 16:30 from Tuesday to Thursday. Each class has the opportunity to visit the library on a weekly basis with a dedicated time for browsing and checking out books. Library and research skills are incorporated into the regular curriculum to support the student’s inquiries and learning.


Kampus Zielińskiego

Uczniowie liceum uczęszczają do nowoczesnego, przestronnego budynku w centrum Wrocławia. Kampus szkolny posadowiony jest między ulicami Zielińskiego i Gwiaździstą. Doskonale wyposażony, przyjazny uczniom obiekt ma własny, ogrodzony i otoczony zielenią teren oraz duże boisko. Od strony ulicy Gwiaździstej znajduje się zamykany szlabanem parking, przeznaczony wyłącznie dla rodziców naszych uczniów oraz dla pracowników.


Kampus Racławicka

Przy ulicy Racławickiej na południu Wrocławia powstaje nasz nowy kampus – CENTRUM EDUKACJI MIĘDZYNARODOWEJ. W opinii ekspertów to najnowocześniejszy obiekt szkolny w kraju. Zaprojektowano w nim oddzielne strefy dla każdej ze szkół i projektów FEM. Powierzchnia użytkowa budynku wyniesie 12 000 m2 rozmieszczonych na dwóch kondygnacjach, powierzchnia całego obiektu wraz z boiskami to około 2,1 ha. Młodzież będzie mogła korzystać z laboratoriów do nauk ścisłych i przyrodniczych, ogromnej hali sportowej, dwóch mniejszych sal do gimnastyki i tańca, sal do nauk humanistycznych, bogato wyposażonej, międzynarodowej biblioteki z czytelnią, przestronnego audytorium, sali teatralnej oraz kafeterii. Przerwy będzie można spędzać na wielkim patio i w rozsianych po szkole strefach relaksu. Ważną cechą budynku – podobnie, jak to ma miejsce w obecnym kampusie – będzie bardzo wysoki poziom bezpieczeństwa użytkowników oraz najnowocześniejsze wyposażenie IT wraz z szerokopasmowym Wi-Fi.



In our school one of the main principles is to ensure the security of our wards. That is why…

  • the school is monitored by a security agency round the clock
  • the facility is monitored by a camera system
  • a private ambulance is contracted
  • there is a nurse at the school
  • the school has a No Nut Policy
  • we take care of the fire protection system and regularly practice fire drills
  • our teaching staff is trained in providing first aid
  • we provide continuous care of psychologist and school counsellor
  • we insure our students against accidents
  • we teach the rules of safety and healthy living


Our high school is based on over 25 years of experience of schools of the Foundation for International Education (F.I.E.). Our faculty is a carefully selected team of experienced professionals specializing in bilingual and international teaching. A part of the teaching staff are the native speakers of English from US and UK.

The schools motto “lifelong learning” leads us to regular participation in the training and exchange of experiences with a network of IB schools worldwide.



Openness to the world is much more than knowing foreign languages. One of our key tasks is to prepare young people for life in a multicultural society. Together with their parents we are trying to foster in the students the need to maintain their own cultural identity with a particular sensitivity to the richness of cultures and traditions of other nationalities. We implement this goal by exciting the imagination of our children in the intellectual and emotional sphere. By teaching the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme, we provide our students with a holistic education according to the best world standards and prepare them perfectly for facing the challenges of life in the modern dynamic reality.

Internationality is manifested at our school also in the community that creates it. At the International High School of Wroclaw Polish students meet with international students, graduates of Wroclaw International School. In the first form, during joint activities and projects, in the second and third form – as students of one class. At our school, teaching staff is also international.

Read more about our International Standards.



Modernity is not only about educational program, but also inspiring learning environment. From September 2016 we offer learning in the brand new campus, Center for International Education, considered to be one of the most modern school campuses in the country. 12 000 m2 contains everything you need in the school of the 21st century. Everything, what inspires a young man to learn, to grow and to create.

See a gallery of pictures of the campus


Rekrutacja na rok 2016/2017

We wrześniu 2016 roku otwieramy nowy kampus szkolny przy ulicy Racławickiej.  Zapraszamy do zapisywania uczniów na rok szkolny 2016/2017 do klasy I, przygotowującej do programu Matury Międzynarodowej (IB Diploma Programme) oraz do klas II i III, które są klasami IB Diploma Programme. Nasza szkoła posiada uprawnienia polskiej szkoły publicznej oraz akredytację jako Szkoła Światowa IB (IB World School).

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